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The digital assistant for gov.gr

Important information for applicants of the "My House II" programme

Date published: 06/02/2025
Κατηγορία: New services

A significant number of citizens with pending applications forEligibility certificateHe hasn't confirmed his cell phone number.National Communication Register (EMEP), or has indicated that it does not want electronic communication from the Public Administration to it. As a result, it cannot be informed of the issuance of the Certificate or of any grounds for refusal.

What to do:

If a reply to your request is pending, please check atNational Communication Register (EMEP)that:

  • You have confirmed your mobile phone number.
  • You have given your consent that you wish to be contacted electronically by public administration bodies

Data update procedure:

  1. Log in toNational Communication Register (EMEP)with codesTaxisnet.
  2. Accept the information on the processing of personal data.
  3. If you have not registered a mobile number, enter and confirm it in one of the following ways:
    • Throughcredit institution
    • ThroughMobile Telephony Provider
    • Withphysical presence (in person) at a JEP
    • Withremote identification
  4. Make sure you have consented to electronic communication by selecting "YES" in the field "I declare that I wish public administration bodies to communicate with me electronically’.

Please note that the registration of at least the mobile phone number in the National Communication Register (EMEP) is mandatory, in accordance with Article 17 of Law 4704/2020, as in force.

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