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The digital assistant for gov.gr

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The digital assistant for gov.gr

Get information on your debt management

You can find out about the available debt management mechanisms in different bodies, as shown below:

  • financial institutions
  • Loan and servicer management companies
  • Independent Authority for Public Revenue (AADE)
  • Electronic National Social Security Entity (eEFKA) et al.

You can be assisted by a representative of the Secretariat-General for Financial Sector and Private Debt Management (GGCHTDIXin one of the following ways:

  • by telephone service
  • by teleconference
  • with physical presence (in person) in one of the available KEYD/GEYD to which the service in question is provided

To book an appointment for one of the above modes of service you will need to fill in:

  • your name
  • your email address
  • your contact phone number

Please note that the appointment can be made by someone else for you. However, in the teleconference or telephone conversation or in the physical presence service, it should be you.

During the teleconference or physical presence, you may also choose to have a third party (your lawyer, accountant, or advisor) who will be informed of the appointment by the person requesting the appointment.

At the beginning of the teleconference or telephone communication or service by physical presence, you will be asked to confirm the details stated in your booking in order to continue the conversation with the representative of the GGCHTDIX. 

For your convenience, there is a field in the app where you can fill in a brief description of your case.

Service Information

This translation is generated by eTranslation, the European Commission’s automated translation service. You can learn more by clicking here.