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The digital assistant for gov.gr

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The digital assistant for gov.gr

Participate in the Digital Governance Awards competition (for civil servants)

If you are a civil servant, you can participate, either individually or as a team, in the annual Digital Government Awards competition.

The following persons can participate in the competition:

  • individually, all civil servants or public officials employed (on the basis of a public or private law relationship for an indefinite or fixed term) in any organisation of the Greek State, in local government organisations (levels: A or B), or in public or private law entities of the public sector
  • teams of employees (with no more than 7 participants) employed at: (a) organisational units at the Department level or above; (b) partnerships of service units at the Department level or above (in the case of inter-agency collaboration schemes); or (c) partnerships of individual employees of different organisations, services or organisational units, submitting joint proposals In these cases, the application to participate is submitted by the coordinator of the proposal (i.e. the representative of the team). The coordinator is also the contact person in relation to the proposal.

Areas and categories of awards:

  • public administration, local government and governance
  • economy, development and entrepreneurship
  • health and social affairs
  • education and culture
  • security of citizens

You will need your personal Public Administration Credentials.

The deadline for filing applications is Tuesday 18.02.2022.

Service Information

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