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The digital assistant for gov.gr

Admission to a Clergy Candidate Apprenticeship School

You can apply to attend the Schools of Probationary Period Candidate Clergy (SMYK), if you are a Greek, expatriate or foreign layman.

You will need to:

  • complete your personal Taxisnet credentials
  • fill in your Tax Identification Number (AFM) and Social Insurance Number (AMKA)
  • fill in your email address, home address, landline and mobile phone
  • attach the necessary supporting documents (in .pdf file format), as provided in the Call.:

You are allowed to submit only one application per candidate and you have the right to select up to three (3) Council of Museums (SMYK) in order of preference (1st, 2nd, 3rd).

Applications can be submitted from 12-7-2024  at 9.00 hours until 20-8-2024 at 23.59 hours.

After the final submission of the application and before the deadline for submission, it is possible to delete the application and create a new application with a new file number. In this case, the deleted application number becomes valid. After the deadline for submission, no modification or deletion is possible. Final submission is not possible after the deadline for submission.

Service Information

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