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The digital assistant for gov.gr

Submit Detailed Periodic Statements of the Auxiliary Pensions Defined Contributions Fund

You can submit the Detailed Periodic Statement (APD) of the Auxiliary Pensions Defined Contributions Fund (TEKA) online.

You will need your eEFKA credentials.

All persons who either undertake work, are employed for the first time, or become insurable persons who, by that date, would be mandatorily subjected to the auxiliary insurance branch of e-EFKA, will be subjected to the coverage of the TEKA from 1.1.2022.

You can check if the employee is covered by the Auxiliary Pensions Defined Contributions Fund (TEKA) by clicking: You can check whether an employee is covered by the TEKA

A condition for the submission of the TEKA APD is the previous electronic submission of the corresponding Detailed Periodic Statement (APD) or the APD for public services of the Electronic National Social Insurance Agency (eEFKA).

Service Information

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