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The digital assistant for gov.gr

Register of Beneficiaries in "Continuing Vocational Training Programmes for upgrading green skills of 50.000 unemployed

Registered unemployed can apply to participate in the Register of Beneficiaries-Unemployed for training through Training and Lifelong Learning Centre (KEDIVIM) of Higher Educational Institutions and licensed Lifelong Learning Centre (KDBM) (included in the Register of Eligible Providers of DYPA, in "Continuing Vocational Training Programs for upgrading green skills for 50,000 unemployed"

To apply, you must:

  • you are registered in the Digital Register of the Public Employment Service (DYPA) regardless of whether you receive unemployment benefit or not.
  • you are over 18 years of age
  • you have at least compulsory education

You will need:

  • your personal Taxisnet credentials
  • attach the necessary supporting documents

In the context of this call-up and in order to submit an application:

  • You must not have attended another training programme implemented under the same action, 16913 ‘SUB 2: Horizontal upskilling/reskilling programs to targeted populations, of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan "El-Lada 2.0" funded by the European Union - Next Generation EU.
  • You may not attend or have attended a training programme on the same subject during the last two (2) years prior to the publication of this call-up, as defined in Law 4921/2022 (Government Gazette Issue (FEK) 75/Α/18.04.2022).
  • You may not attend any other training programme subsidised by European Union funds which has a timetable of courses which coincides, in whole or in part, with the training programme for which this application is made.


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