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The digital assistant for gov.gr

Housing allowance for public Vocational Training Institute (IEK)

Trainees at a public Vocational Training Institute (IEK) (Public Vocational Training Institute (DIEK)) under the responsibility of the Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs may receive housing assistance.

The online application for the grant of housing assistance is submitted by the beneficiary of the benefit, i.e. the person deemed to be liable by the trainee, in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Code.

The deadline for filming applications for the educational year 2021-2022 is from 1.2.2023 to 14.2.2023.

Beneficiaries will need to:

  • submit a tax return for the tax year 2021
  • have your personal Taxisnet credentials

The application is assessed by the competent service and you are informed of the outcome.

Service Information

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