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The digital assistant for gov.gr

Submit a required certificate of studies to the draft board authorities

If you have been granted an enlistment postponement on the grounds that you are a student or prospective student, you are required to submit either:

  • a certificate of studies
  • a certificate of participation in admission exams
  • a certificate of enrolment in an advanced school or university, as the case may be

When to apply:
Until the day you enlist in the Armed Forces (this is the date of the suspension or end of your enlistment postponement period).

You will need:

  • your personal Taxisnet credentials
  • a certificate or proof of studies, if you are a student, or a copy of your undergraduate, postgraduate or doctoral degree
  • a certificate or attestation of your participation in admission exams or in the enrolment process, if you are a candidate student

Failure to submit such a certificate entails administrative sanctions in accordance with the law on military service.

If you have already submitted the certificate at the time of your enlistment postponement, you do not need to do anything else.

Service Information

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