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The digital assistant for gov.gr

Participation in the exam for a degree in radio amateur

You can ask to take the exam and obtain the degree of radio amateur after you have passed them.


  • if you are citizens of a Member State of the European Union or of the European Economic Area. If you are nationals of other countries, have a residence permit in Greece.
  • you must have reached the age of 12 on the day of the examination
  • have proof of graduation from primary school
  • issue and pay the appropriate electronic fee via the application e-paravolo (fee code 5113)

It will be necessary to:

  • fill in your personal Taxisnet credentials
  • enter the payment number of the online fee
  • if you are a Greek national, please attach a copy of a police identity card or passport or driving licence to identify you and establish your date of birth
  • please attach, if you are a national of another country, documentary evidence related to your details, age, nationality and permanent residence or residence permit
  • attach a formal declaration indicating the postal address of your permanent residence
  • attach formal decision, if you are a guardian and the examinations involve a minor over the age of 12, giving your consent to the exercise of the minor’s radio amateur activities
  • 2 colour photographs to be taken with you

Examinations for a radio amateur degree are carried out by the competent regional services (RS) once every six months in Greek.

ASH shall communicate, in good time and by any appropriate means, the exact date of the examinations, the place and other details.
On completion of the examination procedure, you will be informed by email of your results.

Note: For cases where a radio amateur degree is obtained without examination, the interested party must submit an application with the necessary supporting documents to the relevant regional office.

Service Information

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