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The digital assistant for gov.gr

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The digital assistant for gov.gr

Introduce yourself - for electricity and gas suppliers

The Introduce Yourself Service - for electricity and gas suppliers, is a digital alternative to presenting your documents to the Electricity or Gas Supplier.

The aim of the service is the digitalization of the electricity or natural gas supply process for the convenience of the citizen and the Supplier.

The service draws on your behalf:

  • Identity details
  • contact details
  • tax office details (DOY/KEFODE)
  • property details

The data are taken from the primary information systems of the State and are not stored in the service. Their availability requires your explicit consent each time.

The service may be accessed in one of the following alternative ways:

  • after redirection from a web application operated by the supplier, or
  • following the use of a personalised link sent by the supplier through the Interoperability Center of the Ministry of Digital Governance (KE.D), or
  • upon notification sent to the gov.gr wallet application

Service Information

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