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The digital assistant for gov.gr

Participate in the Housing Program - Renovate and Rent

If you are the owner or occupier of a property used as a private residence, you can apply to join the "Renovate and Rent" housing programme. The scheme involves subsidising the renovation or repair of empty houses and flats with a view to making them available for letting as residential accommodation.

The subsidy amounts to 40% of the costs, which can be up to €10,000. The maximum grant amount is €4,000. An advance grant is available, amounting to 50% of the estimated amount of the grant.

Expenditure may include both the products and materials required and the renovation or repair work.

You will need to complete:

  • your personal Taxisnet codes
  • the ATAK of your property
  • a valid and active bank account number (IBAN) of which you are the sole or joint beneficiary

Service Information

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