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The digital assistant for gov.gr

Get support from actions of the Recovery and Resilience Fund

If you have legitimate interest, you can file an application for assistance from the following six actions of the Recovery and Resilience Fund, in accordance with the terms, conditions and limitations set out in the relevant calls.

  • Innovation and green transition in agricultural processing: From 15.06.2022 (12:00 pm) to 15.08.2022 (12:00 pm).
  • Modernising the primary sector: From 15.09.2022 (12:00 pm) to 15.09.2022 (12:00 pm). 
  • Green Agrotourism: From 19.07.2022 (12:00 pm) to 30.09.2022 (12:00 pm).
  • Restructuring of Crops: From 31.10.2022 (12:00 pm) to 30.12.2022 (12:00 pm).
  • Genetic Improvement of Livestock: From 20.12.2022 (12:00 pm) to 20.01.2023 (12:00 pm).
  • Aid for Aquaculture: From 30.11.2022 (12:00 pm) to 30.12.2022 (12:00 pm).
  • Innovation and green transition in agricultural processing. Second call: From 12.05.2023 (12:00) to 12.07.2023 (12:00pm).
  • Modernising the primary sector.Second call: From 14.06.2023 (12:00 pm) to 14.08.2023 (12:00 pm).

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