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The digital assistant for gov.gr

Special provision of maternity protection for self-employed, self-employed, rural women

Mothers insured with the e-E-Electronic National Social Security Entity (eEFKA) who work as self-employed, self-employed or rural women can apply for special maternity protection for a period of nine (9) months.
Same-sex spouses who adopt a child are also entitiled of this benefit, according to their joint declaration to the eEFKA.

The right to the allowance is established for insured persons with the date of having a child from 24.9.2023 onwards.

The application shall be submitted within a period of two (2) months from the day after the payment (credit) of the maternity allowance by the relevant insurance institution. 

Especially for foster mothers/ adaptive eligible parents, if they have not received a maternity allowance from their insurance institution, the application is submitted within two (2) months from the day following the child’s integration into the family or the finality of the foreign or domestic court decision.

The Public Employment Service (DYPA) pays the beneficiaries a monthly amount equal to the applicable minimum wage.

Necessary conditions:

  • Receipt of the maternity benefit of the e-FSA, or in the case of adoption, the "integration of the child into the family", or the publication of a final court decision of adoption or recognition of a foreign adoption decision.
  • The insurance status of the beneficiary at the time of application and during the period of receipt of the benefit.

You will need your personal Taxisnet credentials.

Service Information

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