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The digital assistant for gov.gr

Exceptional financial aid unemployed, former employees of HELLENIC Nafpigeia S.A.

If you are an unemployed former employee of the company "HELLINIKA NAVPIGEIA S.A." or if you are included in paragraph b of paragraph 9 of article 26 of Law 4258/2014 (A' 94), as amended by Article 34 of Law 5058/2023 (A' 170), you can receive the one-time emergency financial assistance of two thousand seven hundred euros (€2,700), if you cumulatively meet the following conditions:

  • You were subject to para. b of par. 9 of article 26 of Law 4258/2014 and their employment contract with the Navy has expired on 31.12.2023.
  • You have the status of being registered in the Digital Register of the Ministry of the Interior. unemployed, on the date of publication of this notice and you maintain it until the payment of the extraordinary financial aid.
  • You do not receive a regular subsidy due to unemployment from the DYPA during the payment of the extraordinary financial aid. The benefits of the social policy programs of sub-section are not included. ee' of paragraph b' and paragraph c' of paragraph 6 of article 34 of Law 4144/2013 (A' 88).
  • You are not retired and have not applied for an old-age pension at the date of this publication.

You will need your personal Taxisnet passwords.

Applications start on Thursday 4/4/2024 at 09:00 and end on Sunday 2/6/2024.

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