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The digital assistant for gov.gr

Get an unemployment benefit (for self-employed and independently employed persons)

If you are insured with eEFKA, you can get unemployment benefit as long as you are self- or independently employed, you have discontinued your professional activity and you were previously insured with:

  • the Self-Employed Professionals Insurance Organisation (OAEE), or
  • the Unified Personnel Insurance Fund in the Media (former ETAP-MME)
  • the Single Insurance Fund for Self-Employed Professionals (former ETAA, in the branches of the former TSMEDE of the former TSAY).

In addition, persons insured with EFKA – formerly the Single Insurance Fund for Self-Employed Professionals (ETAA) - who have not discontinued their professional activity, can get the unemployment benefit after the compliance with criteria has been checked.

You will need your personal Taxisnet credentials.

Service Information

This translation is generated by eTranslation, the European Commission’s automated translation service. You can learn more by clicking here.