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1.600.000+ conversations


The digital assistant for gov.gr

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The digital assistant for gov.gr

Register the statistics on the use of information, communication and e-commerce technologies in your business

Companies employing more than 10 people can register data on an annual basis concerning:

  • the use of computers by your enterprise
  • access of the enterprise to the Internet
  • use of a website by the enterprise
  • electronic exchange of information within the enterprise 
  • development of e-commerce for taking orders; and
  • conducting sales via the Internet

You will need the credentials το the platform (sent by email).

The provision of data is mandatory and the content of your entries is confidential and used for statistical purposes only.

The application is available periodically at the start and end of the procedure as defined each year.

Service Information

This translation is generated by eTranslation, the European Commission’s automated translation service. You can learn more by clicking here.