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The digital assistant for gov.gr

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The digital assistant for gov.gr

Get a certificate for the designation of an area (NATURA 2000)

You can issue a certificate confirming that a particular area is within or outside a NATURA 2000 protected area.

You can designate the area of interest either:

  • by filling in the National Cadastral Code Number (KAEK), if the cadastral registration has been completed in the specific area
  • by filling in the geographical coordinates of the area of interest by means of a georeference in the Hellenic Geodetic Reference System 1987 (HGRS87)
  • uploading the boundaries of the area of interest in ASCII, gml, or DXF (closed polygonal structure) file format or according to the "shapefile" polygonal format standard, with georeferencing to Hellenic Geodetic Reference System 1987 (HGRS87)

You will need your personal Taxisnet credentials.

Service Information

This translation is generated by eTranslation, the European Commission’s automated translation service. You can learn more by clicking here.