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The digital assistant for gov.gr

Register of certified environmental impact assessment assessors (EIS)

You can request your registration in the Register if you are a natural person and have a certified ICM assessor licence. Registration may also be requested by legal persons, through which ICM assessors can provide their services.

You will need to complete:

  • the Technical Chamber of Greece (TLP-TCG) passwords if you are an engineer or Taxisnet credentials
  • your Tax Identification Number (AFM)
  • your identification document number
  • details of your authorisation or of the persons you represent

The electronic application of the Register also contains an electronic system for drawing lots for EIA assessors.
The Register has an operational link with the Electronic environmental register .

You are automatically removed from the Register if:

  • your leave expires, without renewal
  • the licence has been withdrawn
  • the administrative penalty for withdrawal of the licence is imposed

The Register shall be accessible only to the environmental authorities responsible for issuing decisions approving environmental conditions.

Service Information

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