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The digital assistant for gov.gr

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The digital assistant for gov.gr

MyCoast mobile app

MyCoast app is a mobile application (mobile application), through which you can be informed about the active concessions of simple use of the seashore or beach. For some of these concessions, the concession contract is also available as a file.

In cases where you find that the limits or conditions of the concession are exceeded, you can submit a report to the competent authority, on the condition that you are within 10 km of the reporting area.

You can submit either anonymously or named report. The reasons why you can submit a report are:

  • obstruction of free access                             
  • obstruction of access for disabled persons
  • unauthorised occupation 
  • poor cleanliness
  • failure to post a sign 
  • poor infrastructure
  • alteration of the morphology of the coastline
  • absence of lifeguard


For the named report you will need your personal Taxisnet credentials.

You also have the option after logging in to the app, to see as many reports you have submitted so far.

Service Information

This translation is generated by eTranslation, the European Commission’s automated translation service. You can learn more by clicking here.