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The digital assistant for gov.gr

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The digital assistant for gov.gr

Obtain an electronic signature for legal business representatives

The legal representatives of companies, in the form of SA, LΤD or PC can obtain a qualified intangible electronic signature.

You will need:

  • to fiil in the company's GEMI credentials for the 1st step of the procedure
  • to fiil in your e-mail address
  • to fiil in your personal Taxisnet credentials for the 3rd step of the procedure
  • to attach a copy of your identification document
  • to attach the application for a digital certificate (you will receive it by e-mail)
  • to attach the subscriber conditions form (you will receive it by e-mail)

Steps of the procedure:

  1. After logging in to the application, select «Διάθεση Ψηφιακής Υπογραφής» (Digital Signature Allocation) and fill in a new request with the «Επιλογή Φυσικών Προσώπων» (Individual Selection). Only natural persons, who are registered as legal representatives of the company in the General Electronic Commercial Registry (GEMI), can be selected. You may select as many company representatives as you wish.
  2. Upon successful submission of the application you will automatically be sent an e-mail to confirm this e-mail.
  3. After confirming your email, you will receive a new email with instructions for the identification process, the issuance of the digital certificate and the proper documents you will need.

The ways for your identification are either:

  • if you already have a digital certificate issued by the Hellenic Public Sector Certification Authority (APED), sign the forms you received by e-mail with your electronic signature and upload them to the application
  • without the existence of a digital certificate, confirm your signature at a Citizens’ Service Center (KEP) or other public administrative authority and send the documents by post to the address of the Central Union of Greek Chambers of Commerce
  • in person at the address of the Central Union of Greek Chambers of Commerce. In this case, during your selection on the platform, you can make an appointment for your identification.

Upon completion of the process and the issuance of the Digital Certificate, you can e-sign documents (in .docx, .doc & .pdf format), using your intangible qualified electronic signature, through the document signing application.

The electronic signature is provided free of charge by the GEMI and the Central Union of Greek Chambers of Commerce. In the future, the legal representatives of companies in the form of GP or LP will also be included.

Service Information

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