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The digital assistant for gov.gr

Get a certificate of permanent non-resident

If you are a male Greek citizen aged between 19 and 45 living outside Greece and wishing to get a deferral of military service, you can apply for a certificate of permanent non-resident by booking an online appointment on myConsulLive so as to be served by a specialised employee of the Consulate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Conditions for granting

  • you need to have resided permanently outside Greece during the last 11 years, in one or more countries or
  • to work systematically for a with full-time employment status and to reside permanently outside Greece during the last 7 years, in one or more countries.

Please note that:

  • the maximum stay in Greece in each calendar year is 6 months
  • the years of study abroad and the part-time student status are not included in the 7-year systematic employment status

You will need your personal Taxisnet credentials.

The consular authority to which you must apply for issuing a permanent non-resident certificate depends on the state where you have your last residence.

Currently, the service is provided for the consulates of New York, Toronto and London. Gradually, other consular authorities will be included in it.

Especially for the New York consulate
If you are currently residing in New York, but in previous years you have lived in other US States or other countries, you must first contact the respective Greek Consular Authorities to verify those years.

Service Information

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