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The digital assistant for gov.gr

Get a conscription postponement due to treatment in a drug addiction treatment centre

You can apply for the discontinuation of your postponed conscription in the Armed Forces, if you are undergoing treatment at a Therapy Centre for Dependent Individuals (KETHEA) in Greece or at a corresponding institution abroad and you have not been granted an enlistment postponement for the same reason in the past.

When to apply:

  • f you are a conscript, from the date your treatment begins until the date on which you are required to enlist, as a result of the end of the postponement period to which you are entitled. If these documents are submitted later, the enlistment postponement is only granted if the conditions applied on the date of enlistment.
  • If you are a draft evader, from the start date of your treatment until the date on which you are required to enlist as a result of the end of the postponement period to which you are entitled.

You will need:

  • your personal Taxisnet credentials
  • a certificate or attestation from the Therapy Centre for Dependent Individuals (KETHEA), which you have joined for treatment, fully detailing the identity of the treatment centre, your civil status and the date on which your treatment started

Select "My Applications" to view the status of your application.

Service Information

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