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The digital assistant for gov.gr

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The digital assistant for gov.gr

Use the cadastral services (for engineers)

If you have prepared the cadastral documents in your capacity as an engineer, you can submit online:

  • the topographic diagrams drawn up and annexed to registrable deeds throughout the Greek territory
  • the geometric change diagrams submitted together with applications related to registrable deeds and the requests for correcting the geometrical data submitted to cadastral offices, in the areas where the Cadastre is in operation
  • the topographic geometric change diagrams accompanying judicial documents that are intended to replace the technical recommendation issued by the National Cadastre

You can also perform searches in the cadastral records.

You will then receive the "Proof of Electronic Diagram Submission" which can be used for any legal purpose.

You will need:

  • your personal my TEE credentials
  • your valid digital signature
For more information, you can contact: 210 - 3291230, send an email to: support@tee.gr, or visit the website of the TEE-TCG. For matters of technical specifications and use of the application, you can send an email to: professionalservices@ktimatologio.gr.

Service Information

This translation is generated by eTranslation, the European Commission’s automated translation service. You can learn more by clicking here.